Publisher: Joyner Outdoor Media
Date: February 27, 2025
PB ISBN-13: 978-1717268488
HC ISBN-13: 979-8371525413
LOCC# 2025900021
Dim (PB): 7 x 0.23 x 10 inches
Format Color interior/cover.
Words: 13,093
langauge: English
A Walk In The Turkey Woods‚ is a collection of personal reflections, epiphanies, and revelations gained from countless days roaming the great forests of North America. Captured within this volume of work are short stories, poems, a turkey hunter’s prayer, reverso poetry, and passages deeply profound and personal to the author. This body of work is inspired by the perspective that comes with so much time spent in the grand turkey woods, and from the enjoyment of all Gods creatures within these great forests. To those that passionately engage in the time honored and most natural pursuits, it is all too well known that the acts of
downing quarry is a miniscule portion of what truly transpires and what lies within the heart, mind and soul of a hunter. What a hunter experiences and holds dear to their hearts is entirely foreign to those that do not hunt. As visitors, as voyeurs of wondrous places we feel at home and fully immersed in all that it is. The passages within these pages convey what is well beyond the mechanics of strategies and techniques of outwitting our favored quarry. The conclusion of great and epic adventures is a satisfaction worthy of our efforts and concludes with so many memories to be had, and uplifting experiences in the natural world.
A Turkey Hunter's Prayer
Double Nickle Milestone
Hey, Got A Gobbler This Morning!
An Old Turkey Hunter's Musings
Turkey Hunting- The Scheme Of Things
The Old Camp Table
Wish You Were Here- Turkey Tree
A Most Perfect Morning
A Turkey Hunter's Send-Off
A Foggy Morning In The Deer Woods
Be As Right As Rain
Memories Of The Hunt, The Old Sweater
Hunter With Two Faces
On the Day I No Longer Roam the Great Forests
Of Wild Things in the Turkey Woods
Turkey Obituaries, Ode Of Respect
Opening Day Soup For The Soul
Love Hill
The World Would Be A Better Place
Question: This is your fifth book, a continuation of turkey hunting stories from your first three titles?
Author: It is turkey themed, very much so, it is a very different offering from the other books.
Question: What can readers of your other books expect to find different in this one?
Author: It is a collection of personal writings, many of which were written while waiting for the first gobbles of the morning, some while in camp, reflecting on many hunts and gathering my thoughts. There is some poetry, which I haven’t indulged in all that much, a love poem of sorts to my wife, I’ll let me readers guess which it is. There is also a turkey hunter’s prayer and a chapter on last wishes that I shared to give others pause to ponder it for themselves.
Question: What motivated you to write it?
Author: I had been writing some of these musings as the inspiration strikes me to capture them. There is much more to the experience of the turkey woods than just the chase, the battles, the victories and defeats. My efforts was to share the wonderment and reflections that accompanies these great experiences. p>
Question: How long did it take to the write the book? You did the book design as you did for the others?
Author: The book is a collection of writings over many years, with only a concentrated effort to format and organize them in book format. As I m always taking pictures afield, it was a matter of choosing the right ones for the project. As with my other titles I did both the interior formatting and cover design.
Question: What can we expect next?
Author: I have many other book projects in various stages of completion. D.D. Adams, and Empire Limb Hangers are the next releases
Question: What offerings will there be, and where can they be purchased?
Author: The book is out in trade paperback. hardcover, kindle, and the audiobook will be released in May. The book in each offering is available online at